Weekly round up: Bears, Benghazi, HSUS, Anthrax, the FBI and the lost dogs of south carolina.

It’s been a busy week

The Bear Hunt

I really hope the FWC who opened up this hunt on bears all over the state that were not bothering anyone saying they were saving our lives from nuisance  bears that eat people garbage are satisfied with what happened yesterday. We have no idea what will happen but we do know what happened yesterday.

From a friend on Facebook: So a friend of mine with the county (Marion) Sheriffs called me today and asked me if I was going out to protest the hunt and I said I was planning on hiking this weekend. He wanted to let me know that the local sheriffs deputies were all given an FBI bulletin due to the “High Threat of violence.” Apparently hunters have threatened to open fire on anyone they see trying to disrupt their hunt.

nice hunters.

Many reports of lactating mothers. One cub under 100 lbs.

My heartfelt grateful thanks to the volunteers from speak up wekevia who monitored the hunt and documented with video and photos.

To everyone who was just awoken to the travesty’s that go on in Florida. You may be outraged but I can guarantee that NO ONE is Tallahassee cares. Rick Scott has an agenda. He is doing what he set out to do. He cannot be impeached and he has no remorse about this hunt.

You can crab all you want but if any of these commissioners give you anything you want they will be replaced.

What can we do?

We can make sure the news is reporting correctly. I saw a report yesterday from CBS News. CBS this guy misreported the whole thing. I would ask for my money back. We can let our legislators know how we feel and we can let the people running know (the ones that don’t want to piss off the hunters) that unless we all talk and come up with a plan there will no land to hunt on.



I went through all the permits and only found one person from Martin County who bought one. I was hoping for none. This speaks volumes because I really did think there would be a bunch of people going.

Here is the list of all the permits


Unfortunately, while we’re busy fighting with each other you gotta know there’s bad stuff going on. Yesterday was a bad for Florida and a bad bad day for the bears and unless we talk to each other it will never get fixed.

Hunters there will be no hunting because there will be no land to hunt on so I suggest you start thinking about this.

News people: We are not animal activists. We are citizens of our state.

HSUS don’t use this as an opportunity to make money to pay your staff. All money should be going towards the lawsuit.

Here is the main facebook page. Please do not give any money to HSUS. It doesn’t help us.


Lost Dogs of South Carolina

Speaking of HSUS.

Last week I wrote this about the dogs from South Carolina and a local shelter claiming they were from the storm which I knew could not be true.


This week I was sent this message.


JUST IN: Hours after #BenghaziHearing debacle, Boehner names new House Select Cmte to investigate #PlannedParenthood


How much money will be wasted on fake videos?  These people claim to be fiscally conservatives they have no problem spending millions of dollars on witch hunts? Riddle me that! I could sit here and write a blog on how many people got killed under Regan but it would make difference to the Hillary Haters. They are so stuck in their hate circuits there is no getting out.

Another Blog I wrote about the Anthrax attack in Boca Raton.


I have for years walked around with the knowledge that someone called and asked us to research Anthrax 2 weeks before the attack and I never knew why. The answer came from a friend of mine and it chilled me to my core.

So because the world is amazing a friend of mine shared this story with me. I have walked around with a lot things from when this happened and one the questions was why did we get the call to do research on this. It came from someone at AMI and I never wanted to get that person in trouble. I had some theories but I never ever ever expected this.

From my friend Victoria:

Victoria Romero Huggins It was a very scary time for me as a mother. Our daughter, Summer, sat at the desk next to Bob’s. Summer was Bob’s photo-journalist assistant. Yes, there were at least 3 others who had spores within their noses. I got the phone call from Summer when Bob died. They knew what it was, they just kept it under wraps and out of the public. Her phone call to me was: “Mom, I’m to young to die! I had Sammy in here on Saturday to do some work. Bob got the Anthrax on Friday!” Yes, there were people in the building on MONDAY swabbing everything. When they found spores on the keyboards and hand railings within the building – they sent everyone home. They were not allowed to take anything but themselves out of the building. That very day, they began swabbing the noses of the employees – some were put on cipro immediately. Summer was one of those. I sat with her every day for the FBI updates. I went through the most trying time – she had an allergic reaction to Cipro. A very bad reaction. Then, the FBI decided that since Bob and Summer lived within the same neighborhood, an approach to the Lantana Municipal Airport, they began swabbing their homes and yards. Nothing was found at their homes. We were told at least a month before the press got hold of it, that the spores were throughout the building, compliments of the A/C. It seems so strange that the AMI people were working and having daily briefings at the Sun Sentinel building in Delray, yet they were continually told “Share nothing with the press!” Everyday after briefings, the parking lot was full of TV crews…… I will say this, AMI paid their employees in cash each week, even though most of them were not working…. It was a very sad time for our family. (Now that AMI has moved out of Boca, Summer is without a job since September. She worked for AMI since she was 17 – and she is 39 now.)

Let it be known that David Pecker, the owner of AMI at that time, went above and beyond for his employees. Everything, I mean everything was left behind by the employees. Coffee mugs, purses, their identification, personal pictures and things on their desks. When Guiliani had the building decontaminated, they asked if any of the AMI employees wanted anything of a personal nature back. All stated NO. There were thousands of dollars of photos in the photo-journalists storage which could not be used.”

So there you have it. We had anthrax in Boca way before we even knew it was there and it totally under wraps. So I have to worry about what else was under raps.

We’ll never know who was responsible and I think if Bob had not died we would have know about this at all.

A very disturbing week on my blog, in my world. People who are suppose to be doing the right thing are not.

I can only hope next week will be better.

Happy 18th Birthday Barney!

Today is 4 years since Barney came to stay with us as a foster at 14 years old.

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I don’t think I have smelled anything that bad in my whole life.

I brought him home.

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I told him he would never have to worry about anything again ever.

Thanks to Dr White and his wonderful staff at Port Salerno Animal Hospital.

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On the Snout : Lost Dogs of South Carolina

Lost Dogs of South Carolina: Here we go again

I was very happily typing away about microchips and what to do if you find a lost dog and then this happened.

I saw a newscast about Tri County going to Georgia and picking dogs that were misplaced in the storm and I thought how could that be? We fixed this.

This http://www.wptv.com/news/region-s-palm-beach-county/boca-raton/boca-raton-animal-shelter-helping-rescue-dogs-from-south-carolina-floods

Da Dogz Blogz! ( Don’t tell the cat.) Chesed Rescue

Da Dogz Blogz ( Don’t tell the cat. She’ll want her own)

by Barney (Barnacles Lenz I)


Hello. DIs is Barney and I’m going to be 18 years old on October 23. I am rescue dog. I was very sick when I came here and now I’m fine. I’m old but every day is a wonderful day with my food source and my friend MEME (well mostly unless she kicks me off the bed,)

But I’m not here to talk about myself. I’m here to talk about other rescues. Today I interviewed a old friend of my food source.  Her name is Bobbi Miller. She started Chesed Rescue.


This is what she said:

“Chesed Rescue started because there were no groups at the time to help with the overflow from county shelters and humane societies only wanted healthy young dogs. A few rescues existed but I didn’t like their policies. They either skimped on vetting the pets or didn’t screen the adopters thoroughly. Most would adopt on site without too much interviewing. Chesed started to make a new standard on how vetting and adopting unwanted pets would be handled. Chesed is a Hebrew word that loosely translates to compassion, but literally means taking care of someone that can never pay you back. So your motives are pure and not expecting a return.

This year we took a heart worm positive pit bull that had mammary cancer and skin issues. She had clearly been overbred, staked outside and neglected. Her pictures tell the story from many months of boarding and medical intervention to the best home imaginable with Melissa Wu and her dog Tulip, a blind diabetic pit.”

Dis  is  a wonderful story of a  rescue dog and a wonderful rescue and a wonderful new rescue mom!

So if you need a dog or cat you should call Bobbi!


To contact Bobbi at Chesed Rescue:



tulip and wuu

Tulip and Willow WU

willow and Tulip WU

Tulip and Willow WU


Tulip and Willow WU

Goldstock 2015 Left Behinders Club

Some where around 1998  my golden Casey died. (otherwise known as Casey 1.)  He was about 15. I wanted to rescue another golden and i went to the Humane Societies and no luck and I called a local rescue and no one called me back.

I ended up at a pet shop in Davie and brought home little Machiavelli. A few weeks later Casey joined us.  I rescued him from a wonderful family who had to move into a small apartment and could not keep him.






I joined a list serve called Goldens@hobbees and then we had another group called “Aloveofgoldens.” From these wonderful people I learned every thing golden and throughout the years we all became friends, supported each other, cried when one of us sent our precious pets to the rainbow bridge, delighted in every new puppy and rescue, and had fundraisers to support all the golden rescues out there.

To this day we still have A Christmas card exchange that I always look forward to and decorate my house with photos and cards and memorabilia that I have collected over the years.

Cyndi, Machiavelli and Casey

I started my rescue originally it was called Tropical Dawg Golden Rescue and then it morphed into Golden Rescue South Florida when a lovely attorney whose husband would not allow her to adopt a golden did our 501c3 as a gift.


artwork by Adam Lenz

Later in our rescue life when Mrs Brickell was old she asked Lelo who had a big rescue in Miami who was the best golden rescue around she said we were. Because of this Golden Rescue South Florida along with a  bunch of other rescues, was given a parcel of land in downtown Miami- i think its a parking lot and there is money given to the rescue every month. The two wonderful people I started my rescue with Jan Lepore and and Carol Johnson have both passed away from cancer.  Other people are in charge.

I’m not here to talk about my rescue. I’m here to talk about Gail Lustig. Gail is a golden rescue person who lives in NYC and owned a camp. She opened up her camp right around the same time and people went from all over to the mecca- to Goldstock which is held every year on labor day weekend.


“From a small beginning of 60 attendees, Goldstock has grown to include rescue groups from all over the US and attendees from all over the US as well as from overseas and from Canada.  Although still predominantly a golden retriever event, Goldstock now includes some all breed groups as well as some “golden hearted” dogs that don’t look like goldens, but share the golden temperament.”


Every Labor Day weekend, Goldstockers from around the world flock to Camp Weequahic, a kids’ sleep-away camp on 100 woodsy acres outside Scranton, Pa., to let their dogs frolic on the hillside, participate in events like agility trials and the Golden Olympics, and also a lot of wildly joyful dock diving.

When the fun slows down and the dogs are napping back in cabins and RVs, the humans hold fund raisers to benefit the nearly 30 different rescue groups that have representatives at Goldstock each year, sending the groups home with thousands of dollars from sales of golden-centric items, as well as proceeds from the silent and live auctions.

If you go to the link on the bottom of the page is a fabulous slide show.

and some is even working on a dogumentary.

I have never gone so I’m part of what we call the Leftbehinders club. We would sit and wait for updates. One day I’ll go to Goldstock but I don’t even think that’s important. What’s important is the work and that we all support it even if we are not there.

There is a Goldstock Fund


This fund has helped many many dogs that would not have been helped otherwise.

The Goldstock Fund’s mission

… is to provide funds to rescue organizations or individuals to pay for transportation, boarding, evaluations and medical costs of golden retrievers and golden hearted dogs taken into rescue. The Goldstock Fund also provides educational information and materials to rescues and the public.”

There is also the story Lucy’s Legacy. I’m saving that for another day. Lucy was a very special golden and she deserves her own blogpost.

What’s important is Goldstock happens every year. People can go and meet the most amazing people and dogs with the hugest of hearts and see these wonderful dogs that we all love and support.

What I did I did with the support and help of my golden retriever community.

Many of you guys are still my friends today.

One of the things they do at camp is have a memorial for our dogs who have passed. This is Casey’s. Casey’s spirit went to Goldstock. People have told me that this is an amazing spiritual experience.


(Thank you who ever did this. I am in a puddle of tears)

I’m still a Leftbehinder (Not for lack of being invited) but always a supporter!

Have a great time everyone. We are there in spirit. I love you guys and all the great work you do.

Best wishes

Cyndi, Barney and Meme


I’m Sober, Now What?

Guest Blog: Thank you Darcy Flierl!

I’m Sober, Now What?

by Darcy Flierl

Don’t ask me what to do when you become sober. I’ve yet to successfully give up anything. Rather, I’m a “replacer”.   I gave up nicotine last year, I replaced it with walking and eventually I replaced it with food. Now, I’m struggling with what to replace my poor eating habits with and it’s looking like I’m replacing it with research on how to eat better. I don’t know if I’m actually eating better, but I sure can tell you a lot about it.

An old friend suggested I write about how a recently sober person can manage the first year of sobriety, how to manage the discomfort and emotion that comes up when one gives up their drug of choice. First, let’s review the difference between use, abuse and addiction. We also need to clarify that drug use, abuse or addiction is all about dopamine and that our drug of choice can be prescriptions, weed, alcohol, heroin, sugar, coffee, sex, porn, exercise, even a person or relationship!

“ In the brain, dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells. The brain includes several distinct dopamine systems, one of which plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior. Most types of reward increase the level of dopamine in the brain, and a variety of addictive drugs increase dopamine neuronal activity. Other brain dopamine systems are involved in motor control and in controlling the release of several other important hormones.” (Desai, Vishal. “Role of Copper in Human Neurological disorders”. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Retrieved 15 Aug 2015.) Basically, whatever your drug of choice is, you are searching to increase your dopamine levels. The danger of some drugs is that when consumed, you are increasing your dopamine levels to unnatural states that are impossible to duplicate without the drug.


So, what makes an addiction anyway? Last night I had 2 drinks. I used alcohol. Five years ago, during my divorce, I was consuming a bottle of red wine a night, I was likely abusing alcohol to avoid uncomfortable feelings.   When you “use” your “drug”, you get some personal enjoyment, a nice dose of dopamine, but no one gets hurt because all returns to normal and you are back to living your life and your brain is accepting of that. Abuse is shakier ground. Likely you are seeking out that dopamine to avoid feelings, thoughts or responsibilities. When you abuse a substance, you may be doing it unconsciously, but it truly is a choice, on some level. When we “abuse” our “drug”, we begin to suffer some negative consequences. This IS the crossroads. This is the moment one does or does not cross the threshold into addiction. I’ve never crossed the threshold of addiction with alcohol or anything else I may have dabbled in throughout my life, with the exception of nicotine. Nicotine, taught me ALL about addiction. Nicotine is almost worse than other drugs because although no longer considered “sexy” and even with the grim reaper effect, one doesn’t suffer social consequences like jail, so it makes it much easier to continue the addiction.

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I’ll miss you Jon Stewart! Here is some advice for you. Don’t listen to anyone’s advice.

I’ll miss you Jon Stewart! Here is some advice for you. Don’t listen to anyone’s advice.

A long time ago in a galaxy far away when I lived Boca and my son was a teenager I got turned on to the Daily Show. At the time I was pretty addicted to C-span which I got up and watched every morning.

Every evening my son, Adam, watched the Daily Show and one night I sat down and watched and never stopped. The only good thing about Jon leaving is I’m step closer to getting rid of my cable.


Goodbye C-Span. Hello funny and deal able politics!

Here are some milestones of his tenure on “The Daily Show”, whose influence on American life is much larger than its small nightly TV audience.

– Stewart took over as host in January 1999

– “The Daily Show” won 18 Primetime Emmy Awards

– Stewart hosted the Oscars twice, in 2006 and 2008

– “The Daily Show” Twitter account has 3.7 million followers

– The regular TV audience for nightly broadcasts of “The Daily Show” is about 1.5 to 2 million people, or less than 1 percent of the U.S. population

– A 2004 Pew Research Center poll found that 21 percent of 18-29 year olds cited “The Daily Show” as their regular source of political news.

– Stewart helped launch the careers of Stephen Colbert, Larry Wilmore and John Oliver

– Prominent “Daily Show” guests included U.S. President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, science fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut and numerous celebrities.

– Favorite targets for satire included Fox News, Bill O’Reilly, former U.S. President George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, the Tea Party, Obamacare, the 24/7 news cycle of cable TV news.

– Jon Stewart topped a July 2009 Time magazine poll as the most trusted U.S. newscaster, with 44 percent of the vote, ahead of NBC’s “Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams.

– Some 200,000 people attended Stewart and Colbert’s “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., days ahead of 2010 U.S. mid-term elections.

– In 2014, Stewart released his first movie, “Rosewater,” which he wrote and directed, about the real-life detention in Iran of Iranian-Canadian journalist Maziar Bahari. The movie won a Freedom of Expression award from the National Board of Review.

– Stewart, 52, hosts his last edition of “The Daily Show,” on Aug. 6 with fellow comedians Amy Schumer, Louis C.K. and Denis Leary as his guests.

(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; Editing by Eric Walsh)

Jon is going to go live on a farm in New Jersey with his wife Tracey Stewart who just wrote a book called “Do unto Animals!”



The couple recently bought a farm in New Jersey with the intention of providing a home for farm animals rescued from cruelty, and in November, Tracey purchased Adopt a Farm Animal sponsorships for all of their Thanksgiving guests. Even their children are living the Farm Sanctuary life, with Tracey noting that “promises of animal shelter visits in exchange for completed homework are the norm in the Stewart household.”

Stewart, of course, has long been an animal-rights advocate, with that aspect of his political identity creeping into Daily Show segments such as in his skewering of Chris Christie’s support of gestational pig crates (and in a follow-up), or the recent interview with Farm Sanctuary co-founder and president Gene Baur.

Tracey, Stewart’s wife and a Philly native, is also a prominent animal-rights supporter, with a book on the subject, Do Unto Animals, slated for an October 2015 release. She also runs magazine Moomah, which dedicated its most recent issue to living a vegan lifestyle.

Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/trending/Jon-Stewart-buys-New-Jersey-farm-to-create-animal-sanctuary-post-Daily-Show.html#X3kowlv0fPBW0GHZ.99

As an experienced  advocate, golden rescuer and author of the Florida all Breed Rescue Book  I offer you the following advice:
1. Don’t tell anyone where you live. There’s nothing like waking up with a dog tied to your mail box. In your case you go to get the mail and there is a pig there with note. Or someone comes to the house in the middle of your mother’s birthday party demanding you adopt one your foster’s to them.
2. Love the people that bring your their animals no matter what. Sometimes it hard. Do it. Better off with you then in some horrible situation. All the people I adopted to were always supportive of me but the one’s that I helped to place their pets without judgement always kept in touch and were always supportive.
3. Read Nathan Winograd’s “Redemption”. Know the history. There’s no one better or fairer.
4. Then go forward and create your own philosophy. No rules. You create a rule it gets broken every time.
5. Do what’s right in your heart and not other peoples. If you think politics is crazy you’ve seen nothing yet. Someday’s you’ll wish you had that desk to hide under. Other’s are filled with joy and happiness.
6. Don’t give up your vision to other people. Everyone is an expert. Don’t listen to anything but your own hearts.
I’m sure there is more but this is the big picture.
We wish you only the best!

Very Old Stinky Dog gets washed by group of very good kids.

Last Sunday I brought my 17 year old golden rescue Barney (Barnacles -seemed appropriate when he came to me he was 14 years old very ill ,filled with worms, skin issues, thyroid issues). I love these dog washes our Humane Society of the Treasure Coast Does.


Here is their website


Thanks to everyone that supports this very special place.

Thanks to our friend Aidan Lewey, clean water advocate and really good kid and his friends for putting this together. They raised 200 dollars.


You can read about it here


Look at all those hands!

Here is short piece I put together with my co rescue friend TIna Valant who brought me to the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast. Thanks to Frank Valante who allowed us to do this.

TIna has a vision and I said “Sure I’ll do it if you can get permission to use the song.: and she did.

enjoy. I hope it inspires everyone to support their local rescues and humane societies.