If’s it Sunday it’s Cyndi’s Blog!

Are you mad as hell yet?

I was watching “Meet the Press” and I just had to change the channel. It’s very frustrating to have such a partisan host who really is not that good. Last week he did an interview with Donald Trump and was totally loosing it and you could see his disdain for the Donald. You want to be a host of a national news show learn how to not be such a girly boy. UGG

This has been and will continue to be a long week as I’m working my two jobs and am covering for one of my coworkers. Last week was wicked. I totally understand why people can’t pay attention. Almost every night I didn’t finish up until 9 pm. I ate while I charted.

For one job  my computer needs to be live I gave up my cherished unlimited data so I could have a hot spot. I’m having issues with my wifi in the house. Some day’s its fine some day’s it’s not. My hotspot doesn’t work in the field most of the time. It does however work great in my house when my wifi isn’t working. I have to pay for the hot spot data. It’s very frustrating. I am attempting to finish my charting in the field so I don’t have to do it when I get home and have all kinds of interruptions. I was trashed. I think most people are at the end of the day.

And it’s hot. July BTW was the hottest month ever recorded on earth.

Is it winter yet?

The point that I’m trying to make is that we are all busy trying to pay our bills and perhaps we don’t have time to be endlessly computing and we depend on the the news to tell us the news.

We love our news guy but are we under some kind of delusion that they are the same news guys we see in the movies?

“All the Presidents Men
Reporters: Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman), Bob Woodward (Robert Redford)
This is a hybrid between a political crime documentary and a biopic on the two famous Washington
Post reporters who dug into the infamous Watergate burglaries that occurred prior to the 1972
presidential election, and that were eventually traced directly to the White House where all fingers
pointed to Richard Nixon and his staff. This is the kind of movie
reveals how important solid journalism is to a free society, and the immense peril that true freedom
faces today as newspaper circulation declines and people get “news” from non-authoritative sources
that lack resources and professionalism to do serious investigative journalism.”

This was my news yesterday.

So yesterday I DVR’d the local news morning show. This is what they showed us.

The Kickoff between South Ford VS Palm Beach Gardens.

Hurricane Danny Update. (Weakening)

Next up was Athletes Learning Cardiac Arrest signs.

Hurricane Danny update.

Breaking News out of Delray Beach- a shooting investigation

Hurricane Danny update

Deadly Shooting investigation

Man on Flakker breaks into woman’s home and the woman get’s to thank the dispatcher

Advocates call for reform of Juvenile Facitly

Human trafficking Suspect in Custody

Ashley Madison Hack attack

Hurricane Danny update and other possible hurricanes that may form

A list of Whacky Baby names

American’s Stop Gunman from attacking more people

Florida Veterans vow to fight ISIS

New Foundation for Austin and Perry

Hurricane Danny and weather update

Coming up on today

Something about a museum in Riviera Beach

Turn up a smile

Hurricane Danny Update

A few things. Apparently there was nothing happening in the Treasure Coast. Or was there?

Well yesterday we had “Dancing in the streets”

Nothing about the Treasure Coast. Not one thing.

So this week this is what I was interested in.


It actually started a few weeks ago but I’m getting caught up.

“The lawsuit, filed in Leon County circuit court in Tallahassee, asks a judge to declare the hunt planned for late October unconstitutional and all bear hunting permits invalid.

Despite an outcry from opponents, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reopened bear hunting with a vote in June. The Conservation Commission is set to begin issuing bear hunting permits Monday.

The lawsuit by Speak Up Wekiva, named for a Florida spring and river, and Seminole County real estate investor Charles O’Neal prompted other conservation groups Friday to call on the Conservation Commission to suspend issuing bear hunt permits until the case is resolved.

“Somebody had to stand up for the bears and that’s exactly what I’m doing,” said O’Neal, 59, who is also treasurer of Speak Up Wekiva and vice president of the League of Women Voters of Florida.”

Then I read an amazing blogpost!


“On October 10th, 2015, the small Central Florida town of Umatilla, on the southern edge of the Ocala National Forest, is scheduled to hold its annual Black Bear Festival. The event, organized by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), has traditionally been aimed at educating young and old alike about the area’s wildlife, featuring presentations and guided eco-tours of the nearby forest. For a town that used to label itself “The Gateway to the Forest,” the event was a wholesome family activity and entirely fitting. This year’s event promises to be extra-special, for it will mark the two-week countdown to the resumption of bear hunting after a twenty-one-year hiatus, affording Florida’s families a wonderful new way to interact with their natural environment. It remains to be seen whether the organizers will set up bear-shaped targets for youngsters to aim at in Cadwell Park, or will hide the reality of the coming bloodbath behind their fraudulent and authoritarian claim of managerial responsibility.”

Got caught up on my “Eye on Miami.” This is really important stuff you’ll never hear on the news. Day after day our  Mista Gimleteye and Genuisofdespair go after the bad guys. We learn from these two. They keep us honest.

Then I headed over to Craig Pittman, award winning journalist, who has the best twitter feed ever.


Today he posted this. Certainly something you won’t hear on the news. Always interesting and many time very funny which is how I like my news.

So my question for you guys today is how do YOU like your news and what would you like to see more of. Please comment here on the page so I can share it with some of the news guys.
