and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make (paul mccartney)

I feel I need to tackle this any maybe someone somewhere will read it and be able to help someone. The only goodness that comes out of a  suicide death of a friend or a family is perhaps one can gain a little  knowledge and understanding.
As a spiritual counselor and as psych rn sometimes my views run into each other and I have to figure out how to reconcile things. If you do not agree thats fine but even better if this gives you something to think about and one day it will save a life.

1. When someone kills themselves they are not in their right minds. period end of story. and I differentiate this from someone who is at the end of their life and chooses hospice -that is different. When I come across someone who is in this situation a referral to hospice is appropriate. When I come across someone who I feel is depressed and they want to die then all bets are off. Go get assessed and treated then tell me how you feel.

2. If someone you may think is depressed and they have taken all sorts of antidepressants  and non of them work its pretty reasonable to think maybe they are not clinically depressed.

3. Depression is chemical pure and simple. I’m not a proponent of drugs but when people need them they need them.

4. People who are bipolar usually don’t want to be treated because they really enjoy the upswing ( and really who wouldn’t) (and we enjoy the upswing too if your honest about it -its a relief from the other behavor) and many people who are very creative will not  seek treatment because they feel they will destroy they’re creativity.

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