Bright Lights: The Real Boston Tea Party

December 16th is the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party

This Day in history: the Boston Tea Party

The midnight raid, popularly known as the “Boston Tea Party,” was in protest of the British Parliament’s Tea Act of 1773, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company by greatly lowering its tea tax and granting it a virtual monopoly on the American tea trade.

The name has been hijacked.

Being a Boston Girl #BostonStrong even in Florida we love our Boston History.

These people, if they were alive today would not allow the shenanigans that are going on.

They would not want to scare us. They would embolden us.

For instance, we would have more choices for our cable.

Why do you think?





Happy Chanukah-It’s all about the Neis

I love Hanukkah because it’s the holiday  of miracles and lights.

Light conveys both an absence of darkness and a quality that will help us to see — and understand — more clearly.

I feel like we all need lot’s of light right now.

A civil war and oppression from the west. Sound familiar?

The Story of Chanukah

“The story of Chanukah begins in the reign of Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered Syria, Egypt and Palestine, but allowed the lands under his control to continue observing their own religions and retain a certain degree of autonomy.  Under this relatively benevolent rule, many Jews assimilated much of Hellenistic culture, adopting the language, the customs and the dress of the Greeks, in much the same way that Jews in America today blend into the secular American society.

More than a century later, a successor of Alexander, Antiochus IV was in control of the region.”

He was waging war against Egypt and there was a rumor going around that he had died.

“The deposed High Priest Jason gathered a force of 1,000 soldiers and made a surprise attack on the city of Jerusalem. Menelaus was the High Priest appointed by Antiochus, but he was forced to flee Jerusalem during a riot. The King returned from Egypt in 167 BCE, enraged by his defeat, and he attacked Jerusalem and restored Menelaus, then executed many Jews.

When these happenings were reported to the king, he thought that Judea was in revolt. Raging like a wild animal, he set out from Egypt and took Jerusalem by storm. He ordered his soldiers to cut down without mercy those whom they met and to slay those who took refuge in their houses. There was a massacre of young and old, a killing of women and children, a slaughter of virgins and infants. In the space of three days, eighty thousand were lost, forty thousand meeting a violent death, and the same number being sold into slavery.

— 2 Maccabees 5:11–14

Antiochus decided to side with the Hellenized Jews in order to consolidate his empire and strengthen his hold over the region. He outlawed Jewish religious rites and traditions kept by observant Jews and ordered the worship of Zeus as the supreme god (2 Maccabees 6:1–12). This was anathema to the Jews and they refused, so Antiochus sent an army to enforce his decree. The city was destroyed because of the resistance, many were slaughtered, and a military Greek citadel was established called the Acra.

He began to oppress the Jews severely, placing a Hellenistic priest in the Temple, massacring Jews, prohibiting the practice of the Jewish religion, and desecrating the Temple by requiring the sacrifice of pigs (a non-kosher animal) on the altar. Two groups opposed Antiochus: a basically nationalistic group led by Mattathias the Hasmonean and his son Judah Maccabee, and a religious traditionalist group known as the Chasidim, the forerunners of the Pharisees (no direct connection to the modern movement known as Chasidism). They joined forces in a revolt against both the assimilation of the Hellenistic Jews and oppression by the Seleucid Greek government. The revolution succeeded and the Temple was rededicated.


According to tradition as recorded in the Talmud, at the time of the re dedication, there was very little oil left that had not been defiled by the Greeks. Oil was needed for the menorah (candelabrum) in the Temple, which was supposed to burn throughout the night every night. There was only enough oil to burn for one day, yet miraculously, it burned for eight days, the time needed to prepare a fresh supply of oil for the menorah. An eight day festival was declared to commemorate this miracle. Note that the holiday commemorates the miracle of the oil, not the military victory: Jews do not glorify war.

This week we commemorate the miracle and the light. We are the light. We have to stay the light.

Even way back then there were war mongering  power hungry wing nuts.

Who was Judah Maccabee? (by Rabbi Shimon Apisdorf)

The Greeks were different from other empires. They didn’t just want your land, your resources and your riches — they wanted your national essence, your culture. They wanted you to think like them, live like them and even be entertained like them. The problem was most Jews weren’t buying, and the Greeks didn’t appreciate that. So the Greeks brought pressure to bear on the Jews.

Women who insisted that their sons be circumcised were killed along with their babies. Brides were forced to sleep with Greek officers before they could be with their husbands. Jews were required to eat pork and sacrifice pigs to the Greek gods. The teaching of Torah became a capital crime.

The sages and their students went into hiding in order to study and preserve the Torah. Secret weddings were held. Most Jews did anything and everything to remain Jewish. Many were tortured and murdered for their defiance. A period of darkness and suffering descended upon the Jews of Israel.

The Hasmonean family was led by Mattisyahu and his five sons: Shimon, Yochanan, Yehudah (Judah), Elazar and Yonasan. Mattisyahu was a devout man who could not bear to see Judaism and the Jewish spirit crushed. It was his family that led the revolt against the vastly superior Greek forces. Mattisyahu understood that the battle was far less for national liberation than it was for spiritual and religious liberation. Though Mattisyahu’s valor provided the initial spark for the revolt against the Greeks, he died shortly after the rebellion grew into a full-fledged war. The mantle of leadership passed from Mattisyahu to his son Judah, and with that the course of history was forever changed.

Judah Maccabee was a fearless leader, a brilliant battlefield tactician and a man capable of inspiring thousands to take up arms in the battle for the preservation of Judaism. It was Judah Maccabee who conceived of ways for the Jewish forces to out-maneuver the larger, better equipped and seasoned Greek army. When at last the Jews captured Jerusalem, rededicated the Temple and witnessed the miracle of the oil, it was with Judah Maccabee as the leader of the Hasmonean family and at the head of the Jewish army of liberation.

The Jewish rebellion was a great event in Jewish history, but tragically, the war against the Greeks was also a civil war. Not all Jews sided with the Maccabees, who to some represented “the past.” Many Hellenized Jews aligned themselves with “progress” and with the future. As a result, Jews battled with one another for the right to define the future of Jewish life and the Jewish nation.”

A tradition of the holiday is playing dreidel, a gambling game played with a square top. Most people play for matchsticks, pennies, M&Ms or chocolate coins. The traditional explanation of this game is that during the time of Antiochus’ oppression, those who wanted to study Torah (an illegal activity) would conceal their activity by playing gambling games with a top (a common and legal activity) whenever an official or inspector was within sight.


A dreidel is marked with four Hebrew letters: Nun, Gimel, Hei and Shin. These letters stand for the Hebrew phrase “Nes Gadol Hayah Sham”, a great miracle happened there, referring to the miracle of the oil.

The letters also stand for the Yiddish words nit (nothing), gantz (all), halb (half) and shtell (put), which are the rules of the game! There are some variations in the way people play the game, but the way I learned it, everyone puts in one coin. A person spins the dreidel. If it lands on Nun, nothing happens; on Gimel (or, as we called it as kids, “gimme!”), you get the whole pot; on Hei, you get half of the pot; and on Shin, you put one in. When the pot is empty, everybody puts one in. Keep playing until one person has everything. Then redivide it, because nobody likes a poor winner.

A song

Chanukkah, Oh Chanukkah
Come light the menorah
Let’s have a party
We’ll all dance the hora
Gather round the table, we’ll have a treat
Shiny tops to play with, latkes to eat

And while we are playing
The candles are burning low
One for each night, they shed a sweet light
To remind us of days long ago

God made the sun and it shines for everybody. Ziggy Marley

Here’s is a cute short funny version of the story.



this video is great (Neis is the miracle) Let’s be the light this year. Let’s all be the Hanukkah miracle.


TBT: Anthrax in Boca Raton, Florida evening post of todays blog


This is photo of the American Media Building after it was attacked by Anthrax.

In October 2001, after the 911 attacks, we were all working and there was a news report about someone local at American Media dying from Anthrax. The news at the time reports that Bob Stevens died from drinking water in the Carolina’s where he had been vacationing. The person that was saying this was the head of the Palm Beach County Health Department.

I was driving down Okeechobee Blvd when I got the call to come home because someone died from Anthax. I knew this wasn’t true because I had been reading about Anthrax at the DOD website. After 911 we were all so hypervigilent. I think we never thought our lives would get back to normal.

I did know this. You can’t get anthrax from drinking it in the water.

We contacted Governor Jeb Bush and he contacted who ever the head public health doctor was.

The pharmacy I worked at sold out of cipro instantly. We then sold out of doxycycline. So did everyone else. The entire area sold out of antibiotics.

At the time health department of palm beach county did not want to check for spores in the noses of other people that worked at American Media but the people who worked there insisted. I can’t remember how many but there were spores found in the noses of a few people.

I may be wrong but I believe this was the first. I do not think they ever figured out who did this but they did think it was from someone who access to weaponized anthrax. As I did my research this morning I see a lot of history has been rewritten but I have to work so I’ll save that for another day.

I can tell you this for sure. If you look closely at the photo the company name was Bio One. Bio  One was owned by Rudy Giuliani. I guess it’s a smart move to benefit financially  from the deaths of other people.

So when I talk about how we have to continue to be vigilant and call out the news this a prime example.

I will never forget how terrified I was. Not just because of the Anthrax but because of all the mistakes of the news media of the time.

RIP Bob Stevens.

Remember this New’s Media. Report the news. Period. Otherwise it’s propaganda and scare tactics.

Evening Post of Todays Blog

So because the world is amazing a friend of mine shared this story with me. I have walked around with a lot things from when this happened and one the questions was why did we get the call to do research on this. It came from someone at AMI and I never wanted to get that person in trouble. I had some theories but I never ever ever expected this.

From my friend Victoria:

Victoria Romero Huggins It was a very scary time for me as a mother. Our daughter, Summer, sat at the desk next to Bob’s. Summer was Bob’s photo-journalist assistant. Yes, there were at least 3 others who had spores within their noses. I got the phone call from Summer when Bob died. They knew what it was, they just kept it under wraps and out of the public. Her phone call to me was: “Mom, I’m to young to die! I had Sammy in here on Saturday to do some work. Bob got the Anthrax on Friday!” Yes, there were people in the building on MONDAY swabbing everything. When they found spores on the keyboards and hand railings within the building – they sent everyone home. They were not allowed to take anything but themselves out of the building. That very day, they began swabbing the noses of the employees – some were put on cipro immediately. Summer was one of those. I sat with her every day for the FBI updates. I went through the most trying time – she had an allergic reaction to Cipro. A very bad reaction. Then, the FBI decided that since Bob and Summer lived within the same neighborhood, an approach to the Lantana Municipal Airport, they began swabbing their homes and yards. Nothing was found at their homes. We were told at least a month before the press got hold of it, that the spores were throughout the building, compliments of the A/C. It seems so strange that the AMI people were working and having daily briefings at the Sun Sentinel building in Delray, yet they were continually told “Share nothing with the press!” Everyday after briefings, the parking lot was full of TV crews…… I will say this, AMI paid their employees in cash each week, even though most of them were not working…. It was a very sad time for our family. (Now that AMI has moved out of Boca, Summer is without a job since September. She worked for AMI since she was 17 – and she is 39 now.)

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