My shitty ex gallbladder and letting go of the past

Over the 6 years or so I’d spend some time in counseling and my counselor would say “You need to cut the cord.” And I would retort “The cord is cut! ” Most of the time believing that I had actually done this. Time heals all wounds. So as time goes on you really believe you’ve done this but all that garbage has to go somewhere. I believe that somewhere is the gall bladder. Its like the junk yard for negative thoughts. A place where they can hide  and then release in the bile that our miraculous body produces.

I just spent the last week on the “road to recovery.” I think  i’m pretty good at this. After all, I spend my days telling patient how to do this. Go slow.  Eat, Drink, Pee, Poop, move and sleep. This is key. But until now it never dawned on me that maybe I should also be talking to them about putting the past in the past, dealing with their frustration and anger.

The gallbladder is a little sac that stores bile from the liver, and it’s found just beneath your liver. The gallbladder releases bile, via the cystic duct, into the small intestine to help break down the foods you eat — particularly fatty foods.
Typically the gallbladder doesn’t cause too many problems or much concern, but if something slows or blocks the flow of bile from the gallbladder, a number of problems can result and lead to gallbladder disease.
My gallbladder looked like a garbage dump.

Gallbladder Meridian

According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), specific organs have a two hour time period when the Qi (energy) is at its peak in that meridian. The gallbladder meridian is most active between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. The liver meridian is most active between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.  Consistently waking during these hours is an indication that the gallbladder or liver is out of balance. When the energy of a meridian is not flowing well due to a block such as unhealthy eating, toxic overload or stress, you’ll experience a sign or symptom from the meridian(s) involved.

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Poultice‬s, apparently if you don’t use them they don’t work


A poultice, also called cataplasm, is a soft moist mass, often heated and medicated, that is spread on cloth over the skin to treat an aching, inflamed, or painful part of the body. It can be used on wounds such as cuts.

I love stuff like this – things you can make naturally using materials you have in your house. So why didn’t I do this when instructed by my acupuncture doc when I swore I would do anything  to get rid of those damm shingles. I felt truly stupid. If it was on my arm or leg i think I would have been more apt to do this but spreading mashed potatoes on my forehead and then trying to  sleep was a little over the top even for me. Having said that- I wish I did.
I even tried using my river warrior headband.

According to my doc this mashed potato poultice would draw the virus out of me. Its not too late – The bad part of my shingles is GONE! I still have a few red marks so until they go away its not totally gone. I still have time.
I would however try to make this in other situations and if i didn’t have to wrap my head in gauze  and also recommend to my family and friends. Mostly because its easier to recommend than to actually do my self.

how to make:

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food equals medicine SEAWEED

food equals medicine  SEAWEED

This was another one of the foods i said ugh to.  Now i can’t enough of it.  I just bought some iodine. We don’t get enough Iodine.

Salt does not naturally contain iodine. “No salt, table or sea, in its natural state contains iodine.  This mineral was added to salt in the early 1900s when scientists discovered that an iodine deficiency in American diets was causing thyroid goiter, a mass in the neck that could press on the trachea and esophagus. This discovery led to “iodized” table salt and a significant reduction of goiters. Subsequently, lack of iodine in pregnant women was found to cause a form of mental retardation in infants called Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD).  This disorder remains a problem.  According to UNICEF (2007), “over 1 billion people in the world suffer from iodine deficiency, and 38 million babies born every year are not protected from brain damage due to IDD.”

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