Happy 18th Birthday Barney!

Today is 4 years since Barney came to stay with us as a foster at 14 years old.

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I don’t think I have smelled anything that bad in my whole life.

I brought him home.

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I told him he would never have to worry about anything again ever.

Thanks to Dr White and his wonderful staff at Port Salerno Animal Hospital.

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Golden Retriever Riley: The Real (Iconic) Hero of 9/11(From the Land of Pure Gold)

From the land of Pure Gold – our friend Rochelle Lesser! I’m so happy your a wordpress blogger. I’m reblogging this post.

Land of PureGold Foundation

This one photo has never left my mind, heart, or soul as the images
from such a tragic day tend to be indelibly marked.


The post below originally appeared on May 28, 2007, sad news from Riley’s dad, Chris Selfridge, prompting many heavy hearts. Although I never got to meet Riley, I loved him as did so many other folks who had been glued to their television sets after the attack on the twin towers.

On 2/26/10, Riley passed away. He was our family pet, my friend and partner. Riley was 13 in November. He lived a good life and taught me many lessons during his time with me. He will be greatly missed. I love you Bub!

Dog book author, Susan McCullough, has included Riley in her upcoming book on Golden Retrievers and learned more about his final days.

While Riley had aced a physical this…

View original post 438 more words

Goldstock 2015 Left Behinders Club

Some where around 1998  my golden Casey died. (otherwise known as Casey 1.)  He was about 15. I wanted to rescue another golden and i went to the Humane Societies and no luck and I called a local rescue and no one called me back.

I ended up at a pet shop in Davie and brought home little Machiavelli. A few weeks later Casey joined us.  I rescued him from a wonderful family who had to move into a small apartment and could not keep him.






I joined a list serve called Goldens@hobbees and then we had another group called “Aloveofgoldens.” From these wonderful people I learned every thing golden and throughout the years we all became friends, supported each other, cried when one of us sent our precious pets to the rainbow bridge, delighted in every new puppy and rescue, and had fundraisers to support all the golden rescues out there.

To this day we still have A Christmas card exchange that I always look forward to and decorate my house with photos and cards and memorabilia that I have collected over the years.

Cyndi, Machiavelli and Casey

I started my rescue originally it was called Tropical Dawg Golden Rescue and then it morphed into Golden Rescue South Florida when a lovely attorney whose husband would not allow her to adopt a golden did our 501c3 as a gift.


artwork by Adam Lenz

Later in our rescue life when Mrs Brickell was old she asked Lelo who had a big rescue in Miami who was the best golden rescue around she said we were. Because of this Golden Rescue South Florida along with a  bunch of other rescues, was given a parcel of land in downtown Miami- i think its a parking lot and there is money given to the rescue every month. The two wonderful people I started my rescue with Jan Lepore and and Carol Johnson have both passed away from cancer.  Other people are in charge.

I’m not here to talk about my rescue. I’m here to talk about Gail Lustig. Gail is a golden rescue person who lives in NYC and owned a camp. She opened up her camp right around the same time and people went from all over to the mecca- to Goldstock which is held every year on labor day weekend.


“From a small beginning of 60 attendees, Goldstock has grown to include rescue groups from all over the US and attendees from all over the US as well as from overseas and from Canada.  Although still predominantly a golden retriever event, Goldstock now includes some all breed groups as well as some “golden hearted” dogs that don’t look like goldens, but share the golden temperament.”


Every Labor Day weekend, Goldstockers from around the world flock to Camp Weequahic, a kids’ sleep-away camp on 100 woodsy acres outside Scranton, Pa., to let their dogs frolic on the hillside, participate in events like agility trials and the Golden Olympics, and also a lot of wildly joyful dock diving.

When the fun slows down and the dogs are napping back in cabins and RVs, the humans hold fund raisers to benefit the nearly 30 different rescue groups that have representatives at Goldstock each year, sending the groups home with thousands of dollars from sales of golden-centric items, as well as proceeds from the silent and live auctions.

If you go to the link on the bottom of the page is a fabulous slide show.

and some is even working on a dogumentary.

I have never gone so I’m part of what we call the Leftbehinders club. We would sit and wait for updates. One day I’ll go to Goldstock but I don’t even think that’s important. What’s important is the work and that we all support it even if we are not there.

There is a Goldstock Fund


This fund has helped many many dogs that would not have been helped otherwise.

The Goldstock Fund’s mission

… is to provide funds to rescue organizations or individuals to pay for transportation, boarding, evaluations and medical costs of golden retrievers and golden hearted dogs taken into rescue. The Goldstock Fund also provides educational information and materials to rescues and the public.”

There is also the story Lucy’s Legacy. I’m saving that for another day. Lucy was a very special golden and she deserves her own blogpost.

What’s important is Goldstock happens every year. People can go and meet the most amazing people and dogs with the hugest of hearts and see these wonderful dogs that we all love and support.

What I did I did with the support and help of my golden retriever community.

Many of you guys are still my friends today.

One of the things they do at camp is have a memorial for our dogs who have passed. This is Casey’s. Casey’s spirit went to Goldstock. People have told me that this is an amazing spiritual experience.


(Thank you who ever did this. I am in a puddle of tears)

I’m still a Leftbehinder (Not for lack of being invited) but always a supporter!

Have a great time everyone. We are there in spirit. I love you guys and all the great work you do.

Best wishes

Cyndi, Barney and Meme
