Gathering Weekly Photo


May 4th,2014 We had a funeral for the St Lucie River and the Indian River Lagoon which had been devastated by discharges from Lake Okeechobee.  Both turned green with poisonous green toxic algae. Our lives would never be the same again.

As a way to protest we held this funeral at Phipps Park which the park next to the the “Gates of Hell” where the water out and runs into the river and the lagoon.



Here is a video that Brad Langel shot with his drone. There is a great shot of the St Lucie Locks that will be opened when Lake Okeechobee is too high. That’s when we get polluted with Lake water that destroys mostly because the fresh water hits the lagoon, changes the salinity of the water and kills everything including the oysters that my friends very lovingly place through out.


Here are a few other photos of the event.



Here is new’s cast.

Bench Series: November


For the month of November, Jude at Travel Words has asked us to share benches which have messages, or are autumnal.

I found this bench in Onset, Mass. I was going thru a really hard time and I went to visit my cousins in Bourne. I had a bike. I road to Onset. The message was clear.