Blogging 101 Day Nine: The 15 Dollar Challange. Being a good neighbor.

The other day I mentioned in my blog that Brook Hines had written a blog called

Darren Soto is minimum wage challenged — UPDATE

Brook is my favorite Florida Squeeze writer. It’s a good blog so you should read.

Nutrition is a huge part of my life. Every day I  tell my patients the eat good whole foods with fruits and vegetables. They look at me like I’ve lost my mind. These are the people that really have no choice but to eat food in cans and processed food which is what is killing us. Food in cans is filled with sodium and processed food is filled with sugar.

Most of these people are on fixed incomes because they are over 65. Most, if they can get food stamps, get 15 dollars a month for food stamps. The cheapest food you can get is the stuff in a can or in box which is the food that is bad for you. This is my $15 challenge. No one can eat on 15 dollars a month.

Most people on both sides are totally unaware. Unless you worked in the community every day how could you be?

One of the biggest list I have at work is my list of food banks. I encourage them to go for the fresh fruits and veggies if possible.

If you think about it when we have food drives that’s what we bring. We bring our old canned food and food in a box.

We bring out most unhealthiest food to the most vulnerable people.

We’re killing people with our kindness if you think about it.

I look at issues through the eyes of Abraham Maslow.


Many people in our state barely have their physiological needs taken care of. Clean water and food. I know my representatives really do not care if our citizens have this.

The citizen’s of Martin County do make this happen. We are the ones fighting for clean water and we are the one’s that worry about making sure people have food.

No matter if this is 15 dollars minimum wage or over $15 for our elderly and disabled people we have got to do better. My challenge to you if to find someone near you  and make sure they have good whole foods and fruits and vegetables and clean water.

There’s so much more to write but I’ll save that for another day.

Instead of waiting for something to happen. Let’s just make it happen.

6 comments on “Blogging 101 Day Nine: The 15 Dollar Challange. Being a good neighbor.

  1. Vibrant says:

    Hello Cyndi 🙂

    This is a nice post. Sometimes in the name of kindness we do some very wrong things 🙂

    I have shared this post on social media 🙂

    Have a great week ahead 🙂

    Love and light ❤

    Anand 🙂


  2. bsbotanicalsnew says:

    It’s hard to donate fresh food at most food banks. In our area (Polk County) the only outlet I have found for fresh produce is Meals on Wheels.


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